Thursday, 17 November 2011


Pet Obtainable From Evolved, Can Evolve, or Cannot Evolve Pet Card
Abingdon [The griffin] Collect an entire set of 2nd Seal Breaker Gacha items from one type of gem Cannot Evolve Abingdoncard.png
Aero Kitty [The robotic kitty] Collect an entire set of 8th (New) Seal Breaker Gacha items Cannot Evolve Aerokitty.png
Ariel [The mysterious wind bird]Seal Breaker Gacha
But already skip 
Cannot Evolve Arielcard.jpg
Arkham [The devil-like creature] Shop (45000Cash Cannot Evolve Arkhamcard.png
Bastet [The white-looking cat] Evolved from Luna Evolved Grtb.jpg
Blue Fairy [A blue-looking fairy] Shop [45000Cash] or  Can Evolve into Ice Pixie Blufairycard.png
Buffy [The blue bunny] Couple Event
Cannot evolve Buffy.png
Casanova [The wolf in a white suit] -Cannot Evolve Casanovacard.png
Chaos Pepe [The mushroom with an arrow on its head] Evolved from Pepe Evolved CardChaosPepe.png
Chester [The purple cat with a top hat] Collect an entire set of 6th Seal Breaker Gacha items from one type of gem Cannot Evolve Chestercard.jpg
Claudia [The gothic doll] Collect an entire set of 5th Seal Breaker Gacha items from one type of gem Cannot Evolve Claudiacard.jpg
Cuddles [The dark-gray bear] Completing the second Bingo Set Cannot Evolve Cuddlescard.png
Cupid [An angel] Shop [45000 Cash] Cannot Evolve Cupidcard.png
DK-MARK 3 [The miniature robot] -Cannot Evolve Dkmark3card.jpg
Dokaebi [A Black Shaman-type] Event Sejuta Pohon
(One Million Event)
Cannot Evolve Dokaebicard.png
Duelly [The miniature Void] From Nightmare CircusCannot Evolve
Emily [A white circus elephant] -Cannot Evolve Emilycard.png
Feste [A Harlequin] - Cannot Evolve Festecard.png
Fluffy [The pink bunny with bows] Couple EeventCannot evolve Fluffy.png
Golden Slime [Winged, yellow Slime] Evolved from Slime Evolved GSlimeCard.png
Gon [The baby dragon] From egg (Crate or buy on point shop)Can Evolve into Gorgon GonPet.png
Gorgon [The dragon] Evolved from Gon Evolved Gorgon icon.png
Gorgos Egg [An orange egg] Crate or Buy on point shop
Can Evolve into Gon Gorgos Egg.png
Hanana [The hula dancer] -Cannot Evolve
Havoc [The flame-like wolf] -Cannot Evolve Havoccard.png
Helper Bot [The red and white robot] -Cannot Evolve Helperbotcard.jpg
Ice Pixie [A blue mother fairy] Evolved from Blue Fairy Evolved Pixiecard.jpg
Kaze'doggeh [The Kaze'aze dog] Crate Cannot Evolve Kaze'doggehcard.png
Blade Wing[The time guardian] Collect an entrie set of 9th Seal Breaker Gacha items form one type of gemCannot Evolve 461960.gif
Knight Master [The blonde mini-knight] Get on GWC EventCannot Evolve Knightmastercard.png
Koo'ka [The dinosaur] Shop (45000 Cash) Cannot Evolve Koo'kacard.png
Krustaccio [The mini-Krakos] CrateCannot Evolve KrakosPet.png
Kumi [The japanese fox] Buy Cash Rp 150.000 cash Cannot Evolve Pet Kumi.png
Lilith [The black-winged angel] Buy Cash Rp 150.000 cash Evolves into Lucretia Lilithcard.png
Lucretia Evolved from Lilith Evolved Lucretiacard.png
Luna [The cat] -Can Evolve into Bastet Lunacard.png
Magic Kungji [The pink Kungji] - Cannot Evolve Kunjicard.png
Madeleine [The spirtely maid] -Can Evolve into Mary Jane Asqs.png
Mary Jane [The combat maid] -Evolved CardMaryJane.png
Medusa [The mythical gorgon] -Cannot Evolve
Ming Ming [The panda] Shop (45000 Cash) Cannot Evolve Mingmingcard.png
Mittens [The white kitten in a christmas stocking] Random Pet Box EventCannot Evolve Mittenscard.PNG
Monkeybeard [The monkey pirate] -Cannot Evolve Monkeybread.png
Myurin [The blue starry slime] CrateCannot Evolve MyurinCard.png
Nerissa [The mermaid] Collect an entire set of 4th Seal Breaker Gacha items from one type of gem Cannot Evolve Nerissacard.png
Ninko [The ninja fox] Buy (45.000Cash)Can Evolve into Ninkoro Ninkocard.png
Ninkoro [The ninja fox/human] Evolved from Ninko Evolved Ninkoro.png
Nurse Tammy [The nurse] -Cannot Evolve NT.png
Peng Peng [The penguin] Crate on some eventCannot Evolve Pengpengcard.png
Pepe [The mushroom] From egg (Crate or buy on point shop)Can Evolve into Chaos Pepe Pepecard.png
Referee Elena [The mini Elena] -Cannot Evolve ElenaPet.png
Rocco [The Raccoon pet] -Cannot Evolve Roccocard.png
Saku [The kimono-wearing girl] Random Pet boxCannot Evolve Sakucard.png
Sarimanok [The magnificent flame bird] Bingo Cannot Evolve Heheh.png
Seamus [The leprechaun] -Cannot Evolve Seamuscard.png
Sellion [The gray demonic dragon] Collect an entire set of 7th Seal Breaker Gacha items from one type of gem Cannot Evolve Sellion.gif
Sidt [The baby phoenix] From egg (crate or buy on point shop)Can Evolve into Sidtri Sidtcard.png
Sidtri [The phoenix] Evolved from Sidt Evolved 6y7.png
Sleuthhound (The detective dog) Collect an entire set of 10th Seal Breaker Gacha items from one type of gem Cannot Evolve Sluethhoundcard.png
Slime [The green jello] Evolved from Slime Egg Can Evolve into Golden Slime Pets-hatching2 clip image002.jpg
Slime Egg [A green egg] Crate or buy on point shopCan Evolve into Slime SEggCard.png
Squire Gaikoz [The chibi Gaikoz] Crate Cannot Evolve Squiregaikozcard.png
Thanny Boy [The mini-Thanatos] CrateCannot Evolve Thh.png
Thommo [The ant-eater] Hallowen Cannot Evolve

Tian Long [The oriental lion] -Cannot evolve Tianlongcard.jpg
Winky [The pink bunny] - Cannot Evolve Winkycard.png
Yama [] Bingo Event 2012Cannot Evolve