Friday, 14 October 2011

Characters (Jin):

ender Male
Age 17
Race Human
Home Continent Silver Land
Hometown Unknown
Affiliations Silver Knights, Grand Chase

Basic Job






Basic Movements


Keystrokes Effect
Z.PNG 1x Hit
Z.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNG 7x Hit + Knockdown
Z.PNG+Arrow D.PNG 1x Hit + Shadow Dodge (Slide Phase) (Note: Can be used in the middle of a combo)
Z.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 3x Hit + Dash + 2x Hit (Critical Attack) + Knockdown
Z.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 7x Hit + Dash + 2x Hit (Double Attack) + Knockdown
Arrow U.PNG+Z.PNG Jump + 1x Hit
Arrow R.PNG+Arrow R.PNG Dash + Run
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNG Dash + 2x Hit
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNGZ.PNG Dash + 3x Hit + Knockdown
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow U.PNG Dash + 4x Hit + Knockup
Arrow R.PNGZ.PNG Grab + Throw target (high damage)
Dragon Upper Cut

White Flower Technique

Fist of 10,000 Hells

Burning Mode

When the Burning Gauge is completely filled, you can use the X.PNG key to activate "Burning" Mode for a few seconds. The Burning Gauge rapidly decreases more than it was used to build. Jin's Speed will greatly increase, and activate temporary Super Armor (much like Nephilim's, except it's really weak and the user can still be grabbed). Use of any Chi movements will not help decrease the time. Also, usage of any Burning Skills will stop the timer during the attack.

Chi Attacks

The "Burning" Gauge will determine the use of Chi Attacks, but can be refilled anytime, anywhere, and as many times as possible. Somehow its possible to leap down a platform and still charge.
Note: All the Chi Attacks are shared by each job, though they all go through a different change (within the exception of Storm Fist).
Keystrokes Effect
Z.PNG+Arrow U.PNG 2x Hit (Chi Wave)(Note: If no Chi is applied, there will be a failed attempt to cast the Wave followed by a sweat drop.)
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Arrow L.PNG+Z.PNG Dash + Turn + 4x Hit + Knockdown (Hanuman)
Z.PNG+Arrow R.PNG 1x Hit + Knockback (Hurricane/Storm Fist)
Jin starting Burning Fist of Ten Thousand Hells



Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Dragon Upper Cut Jin slams the ground then knocks the opponent into an uppercut (3x Hit).
LVL 2 Basic White Flower Technique Jin unleashes several powerful punches followed by an explosion with a wide AoE (7x Hit + Knockup).
LVL 3 Basic Fist of 10,000 Hells Jin dashes forward with a punch and an explosion, followed by an attack from behind (8x Hit + Knockup).


Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Burning Burning Dragon Uppercut Jin slams the ground followed by a punch and then knocks the opponent into an uppercuts (4x Hit).
LVL 2 Burning Burning White Flower Palm Jin unleashes several powerful punches and a last powerful punch that knocks back the enemy (5x Hit).
LVL 3 Burning Burning Fist of 10,000 Hells Jin casts an AoE orb, then shoots the explosion forward to hit the enemy (8x Hit).

1st Job:


Basic Movements

Keystrokes Effect
Z.PNG 1x Hit
Z.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNG 7x Hit + Knockdown
Z.PNG+Arrow D.PNG 1x Hit + Shadow Dodge (Slide Phase)
Z.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 3x Hit + Dash + 2x Hit (Critical Attack) + Knockup
Z.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 7x Hit + Dash + 2x Hit (Double Attack) + Knockup
Arrow U.PNG+Z.PNG Jump + 1x Hit
Arrow U.PNG+Arrow D.PNG+Z.PNG Jump + 1x Hit (Air Step)
Arrow R.PNG+Arrow R.PNG Dash + Run
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNG Dash + 2x Hit
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNGZ.PNG Dash + 3x Hit + Knockup
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow U.PNG Dash + 3x Hit + Knockup (Crescent Moon Kick/Dragon Kick)
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNG+Arrow D.PNG Dash + 2x Hit + Roll (evades attacks while getting behind the enemy)
Arrow R.PNGZ.PNG Grab + Throw target (high damage)

Chi Attacks

Keystrokes Effect
Z.PNG+Arrow U.PNG 2x Hit (Iron Mountain)(Generates a visual chi attack as if he were to ram an opponent.
Without Chi, the Shisa will just body check the enemy with his elbow.)
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Arrow L.PNG+Z.PNG Dash + Turn + 3x Hit + Knockdown (Rising Phoenix Strike)(Dashes forward while performing a three hit combination.)
Z.PNG+Arrow R.PNG 1x Hit + Knockback (Hurricane/Storm Fist)


The Glow!

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic True Strike Dragon Tail The Shisa performs a four hit kick attack in a row. (4x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 2 Basic Power Rising The Shisa attacks sliding with two hits followed by a tornado launcher. (4x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 3 Basic The Glow! The Shisa unleashes his fury while delivering numerous multi-hit explosions followed by a slide and a small burst of chi. (5x Hit + Knockup + 2x Hit + Knockback)

Burning Skills

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Burning Burning True Strike Dragon Tail Adds a fifth hit to the combo, but strangely sacrifices speed and movemental processes. Interestingly, the damage is no bigger. (5x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 2 Burning Burning Power Rising The improved Power Rising uses numerous multi-hit combos before casting the tornado. (5x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 3 Burning Burning The Glow! While increasing the damage of this skill, the last hit changes to a charging dash followed by an aura explosion. (6x Hit + 2x Hit + Knockback)

2nd Job


Basic Movements


Keystrokes Effect
Z.PNG 1x Hit
Z.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNG 6x Hit + Knockdown
Z.PNG+Arrow D.PNG 1x Hit + Shadow Dodge (Slide Phase)
Z.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 2x Hit + Dash + 2x Hit (Critical Attack) + Knockup
Z.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 6x Hit + Dash + 2x Hit (Double Attack) + Knockup
Z.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow U.PNG+Z.PNG 2x Hit + 1x Hit + Knockup + 3x Hit
Z.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow U.PNG+Z.PNGZ.PNG 2x Hit + 1x Hit + Knockup + 5x Hit
Arrow U.PNG+Z.PNG Jump + 1x Hit
Arrow U.PNG+Arrow D.PNG+Z.PNG Jump + 1x Hit + Knockup (Asura Slam)(Note: This move is unlisted.)
Arrow R.PNG+Arrow R.PNG Dash + Run
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNG Dash + 2x Hit + Knockdown
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNG+Arrow U.PNG or
Arrow U.PNG+Z.PNG+Arrow U.PNG
Dash + 1x Hit + Knockup (Spinning Crane Kick)(Note: This move is unlisted.)
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNG+Arrow D.PNG Dash + 2x Hit + Roll


Keystrokes Effect
Z.PNG+Arrow U.PNG 3x Hit (Scorpion Sting)(Fires a short ranged horizontal beam from the staff.
Without Chi, the Asura will simply strike forward with the staff.)
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Arrow L.PNG+Z.PNG Dash + Turn + 3x Hit + Knockup (Thrashing Dragon)(Swings the staff high and low as an attack.)
Z.PNG+Arrow R.PNG 1x Hit + Knockback (Hurricane/Storm Fist)
X.PNG+X.PNG 1x Hit + Stun (Chamma Throw)(The Asura will toss his staff, stunning the opponent if struck. Afterwards, the Asura will become a Fighter instead, retaining all abilities except White Flower Technique and Fist of 10k Hells. He can remain in Fighter forever, but there is a 7 second cooldown before switching back.)
X.PNG+X.PNG+Arrow R.PNG+Z.PNG 1x Hit + Stun + 2x Hit + Knockback (Rush)(After throwing the staff, he may rush forward and do a small two hit punch identical to the Storm Fist.)


Asura Yang


Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Asura Strike The Asura swings the Chamma twice to gain power for an upward strike that sends enemies into the air. (2x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 2 Basic Asura Slicer The Asura flips twice, striking his Chamma down with each rotation, ending in a final heavy strike. Its almost identical to the Druid's Titan Axe Level 3 and Knight's Mega Slash Level 3, except Asura Slicer has lesser effects. (3x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 3 Basic Asura Yang The Asura spins his Chamma in a windmill flurry that strikes multiple times before he plants his Chamma, flies into the air, and comes charging back down to earth with destructive force. (5x Hit + 1x Hit + Knockup + 4x Hit + Knockdown)


Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Burning Burning Asura Strike Simply adds two more strikes in the middle. (4x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 2 Burning Burning Asura Slicer Performs a multi-hit swing before slamming down.
LVL 3 Burning Burning Asura Yang The Asura rises diagonally instead of vertically. There are no damage increases, yet there are damage alterations. (5x Hit + 2x Hit + Knockup + 3x Hit + Knockdown)


Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Powers of Rising Sun The Asura version of Dragon Uppercut. He will do a small tornado attack before fisting upwards. (5x Hit + Knockup) (Note: Although there is a burning version, there are no changes.)

3rd Job


Basic Movements


Keystrokes Effect
Z.PNG 1x Hit
Z.PNG+Arrow D.PNG 1x Hit + Shadow Dodge
Z.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 3x Hit + Dash + 2x Hit (Critical Attack) + Knockdown
Z.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 5x Hit + Dash + 2x Hit (Double Attack) + Knockdown
Arrow U.PNG+Z.PNG Jump + 1x Hit
Arrow U.PNG+Z.PNGZ.PNG Jump + 2x Hit
Arrow R.PNG+Arrow R.PNG Dash + Run
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNG Dash + 2x Hit
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNGZ.PNG Dash + 3x Hit + Knockdown
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNG+Arrow D.PNG Dash + 1x Hit + Roll


Note that the Chi regeneration is much faster than previous jobs.
Keystrokes Effect
Z.PNG+Arrow U.PNG 2x Hit (Chi Wave)
(Note: Unlike the Fighter's, a short ranged Orb is shot while it stays there for a few seconds then implodes.
Without Chi, a small damaging puff of smoke is created)
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Arrow L.PNG+Z.PNG Dash + Turn + 3x Hit (Hanuman)
Z.PNG+Arrow R.PNG 1x Hit + Knockback (Hurricane/Storm Fist)

Stance Change

Rama has a special ability called Stance Change. It allows him to use numerous attacks while this mode is active. To initiate, press X.PNGX.PNG.
When Stance Change is initiated, the Rama will just stand still motionless.
Rama can activate his Stance Change during a dash attack, the 3rd/4th hit of the basic combo, or during a roll.
Keystrokes Effect
X.PNGX.PNG Stance Change
X.PNGX.PNG+Z.PNG 1x Hit + Knockdown (Rapid Fire)
X.PNGX.PNG+Arrow R.PNG Ranged Blocker + 1x Hit (Bagua Trigram)(Note: The attack will counterattack any single attack. Be warned that if the attack is influenced by status effects (ie Petrify, Freeze, Curse, etc), the user himself will be afflicted by it as well.)
X.PNGX.PNG+Arrow U.PNG 1x Hit + Knockup (Falling Sky)(Note: You can air grab after this and you can use this for juggling.)
X.PNGX.PNG+Arrow L.PNG Evasion Backflip (Phoenix Shrine Kick)(Note: It is similar to the dodge/roll but is not immune to all attacks, especially projectiles. Rather it is useful getting behind big targets.)
(Note: It is possible to perform Rapid Fire during the backflip.)
X.PNGX.PNG+Arrow D.PNG Dodge
X.PNGX.PNG+X.PNGX.PNG Cancel Stance Change



Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Striking Snake Onslaught Jin quickly charges at the enemy with a powerful roundhouse kick and a final foot slam, smashing the enemy's face to the ground. (2x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 2 Basic Destroyer of Heaven Jin charges at enemies and cuts the enemy. Enemies are stunned by the movement while being struck by a delayed Chi explosion. (1x Hit + 8x Hit + Knockup) (Note: If this skill is somehow attached to the enemy while they avoid it (ie- Counterattack), it will still "lift" them upward.)
LVL 3 Basic White Monkey Washing Face (White Monkey Technique)
Jin pulls in enemies with a massive orb of Chi energy before it violently exploding outwards. (8x Hit + Suction + 7x Hit + Knockup)

 Burning Skills

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Burning Burning Striking Snake Onslaught Adds a second roundhouse kick. (3x Hit)
LVL 2 Burning Burning Destroyer of Heaven An enhanced Destroyer of Heaven. It comes in 4 phases, utilizing a Just Frame command.
First hit will rush forward with no-delay Chi Explosions. (4x Hit + Knockup)
Second hit will rush backward. (4x Hit + Knockup)
Third hit will utilize 3 simple fist attacks similar to the Fighter's Burning White Flower Technique. (3x Hit)
Fourth and last hit will create a powerful explosion. (2x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 3 Burning Burning White Monkey Washing Face (Burning White Monkey Technique)
Increases the suction ability while creating a more deadly explosion. (18x Hit + Suction Ability + 6x Hit + Knockup) (Note: Although the suction range seems smaller, it is actually just graphics. The vacuum ability is actually powerful than the previous.)



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