Saturday, 15 October 2011

Characters (Ryan):

Gender Male
Age 15
Race Elven
Home Continent Bermesiah
Hometown Elven Forest
Affiliations Nature, Grand Chase

Basic Job
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic
Magic Break
(Twin Blade)
A double-edged attack that uses two simple swings. (2x Hit + Knockup)
(Note: Quick players can escape or counter in the pause between hits)
LVL 2 Basic
(Titan's Axe)
A powerful attack that utilizes powerful strikes including a heavy impact that sends enemies soaring through the heavens. (4x Hit + Heavy Knockup)
LVL 2 Purchased
Wolf Transformation
Transform you into a Orange Wolf.
LVL 2 Purchased

Moonlight Wolf Transformation
Transform you into a White Wolf.
LVL 2 Purchased
Shadow Wolf Transformation
Transform you into a Black Wolf.
LVL 3 Basic
Ryan's Heart
A powerful spell that revives fallen allies with 20% of their HP on a 30-second duration. Note that the 30-second duration will cancel when one is revitalized

Basic Attacks

Keystrokes Effect
Z.PNG 1x Hit
Z.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 2x Hit + Dash + 3x Hit (Critical Attack) + Knockdown
Z.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 4x Hit + Dash + 2x Hit (Double Attack) + Knockdown
Arrow U.PNG+Z.PNG Jump + 1x Hit
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG Dash (Cannot run)
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNG+Arrow L.PNGArrow L.PNG Dash + 1x Hit + Reverse Slide
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNGZ.PNG Dash + 5x Hit + Knockdown
Arrow R.PNG+Z.PNG Grab + Throw target (high damage) (Note: Doesn't always work, but can interrupt combos at odd times

Ryan's Heart



Magic Break's final strike


Moonlight Wolf:

Shadow Wolf:

Skill Tree:

1st Job


Basic Movements

Keystrokes Effect
Z.PNG 2x Hit
Z.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNG 7x Hit + Knockup + 2x Hit
Z.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 4x Hit + Dash + 2x Hit (Critical Attack) + Knockdown
Z.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 7x Hit + Knockup + 2x Hit + Dash + 2x Hit (Double Attack) + Knockdown
Arrow U.PNG+Z.PNG Jump + 2x Hit
Arrow U.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG Jump + Air Dash
Arrow U.PNG+Arrow D.PNG+Z.PNG Jump + Spin Dive (Number of hits depends on the height. Of course, higher areas = more hits.)
Arrow U.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG Jump + Air Dash
Arrow U.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNG Jump + Air Dash + 2x Hit
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG Dash + Run
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNG Dash + 1x Hit + Knockup
Arrow R.PNG+Z.PNG Grab + Throw target (high damage)


Backspin Slash

Soul Effect

Spinning Phantom

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Back-spin Slash Performs 2 quick slashes followed by a flip. Deals decent damage, but is valuable for its long invincibility time. (2x Hit + 2x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 2 Basic Soul Effect (Soul Impact)
The Sentinel creates a small explosion that deals fairly high damage and sends anyone it hits flying across the screen. (15x Hit + Mass Knockback)
LVL 3 Basic Spinning Phantom The Sentinel slashes forward, spinning at amazing speeds with reckless abandon. Literally obliterates enemies upon impact. (5x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 3 Purchased Nephilim Transforms into the Nephilim, nature's avatar whom contains superior firepower and powerful defenses.


2nd Job


Basic Movements

Keystrokes Effect
Z.PNG 1x Hit
Z.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 2x Hit + Dash + 2x Hit (Critical Attack) + Knockup
Z.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 4x Hit + Dash + 2x Hit (Double Attack) + Knockup
Z.PNG+Arrow L.PNG 1x + 2x Hit (Launcher) + Knockup
Arrow U.PNG+Z.PNG Jump + 1x Hit
Arrow U.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNG Jump + Air Dash + 2x Hit + Knockdown
Arrow U.PNG+Arrow U.PNG+Z.PNG Jump + 1x Hit (Aerial Slice)(Note: This move is not listed in the command list.)
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG Dash + Run
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNG Dash + 2x Hit + Knockdown
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Arrow L.PNG+Z.PNG Nature Tamer (Planted flower that does short stunnings)
Z.PNG+Z.PNG+Z.PNG+Z.PNG+Z.PNG 5x Hit (Multiple Blows) + Knockdown
Arrow R.PNGZ.PNG Grab


Nature Frenzy

Wild Justice's Beginning

Crow Wing

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Nature Frenzy Summons up 3 thorny spikes up from the ground, catching opponents off guard. (3x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 2 Basic Wild Justice While the Viken roars like a lion, he does a quick slash forward and then dashes backward with powerful speed. (2x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 3 Basic Crow Wing Using the power of crows, the Viken gathers its strength and throws his Scythe, leaving a small DoT infront of him. (15x Hit + Knockdown)

3rd Job

Basic Movements

Storm Blades

Keystrokes Effect
Z.PNG 1x Hit
Z.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 2x Hit + Dash + 2x Hit (Critical Attack) + Knockup
Z.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 9x Hit + Dash + 2x Hit (Double Attack) + Knockup
Arrow U.PNG+Z.PNG Jump + 1x Hit
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG Dash + Run
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNG Dash + 1x Hit
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNG Dash + 3x Hit + Knockdown
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow U.PNG Dash + 2x Hit + 1x Hit (Dash Juggle) + Knockup
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow D.PNG Dash + 2x Hit + 1x Hit (Dash Stomp) + Knockdown
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Arrow L.PNG+Z.PNG Mach Blow (Frontal Ranged Wind that flashes as a defense)(Note: Mach Blow DOES NOT guard/reflect projectiles, despite it being wind flashing in the opposite direction.)
X.PNG Switch Mode (Note: Unlike Amy's, the switching process takes a few seconds to complete, leaving the user vulnerable.)

Storm Pike

Keystrokes Effect
Z.PNG 1x Hit
Z.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNG 5x Hit + Knockdown
Z.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 3x Hit + Dash + 1x Hit (Critical Attack) + Knockdown
Z.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNGZ.PNG+Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG 5x Hit + Dash + 1x Hit (Double Attack) + Knockdown
Arrow U.PNG+Z.PNG Jump + 1x Hit
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG Dash + Run
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Z.PNG Dash + 2x Hit + Knockdown
Arrow R.PNGArrow R.PNG+Arrow L.PNG+Z.PNG Mach Blow (Frontal Ranged Wind that flashes as a defense)(Note: Mach Blow DOES NOT guard/reflect projectiles, despite it being wind flashing in the opposite direction.)
X.PNG Switch Mode (Note: Unlike Amy's, the switching process takes a few seconds to complete, leaving the user vulnerable.)



Gatling Spiral


Flash Impact


Power Strike


Fatal Drive


Furious Boomerang


Xenocide Lancer

Storm Blades

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Gatling Spiral The Vanquisher starts with a series of several extremely fast stabs, followed by a powerful charged stab. (6x Hit + 1x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 2 Basic Flash Impact Performs a quick blow to the opponent's legs (though not stunning them), and then charges while delivering a series of magical explosions. (2x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 3 Basic Power Strike The Vanquisher reacts with numerous combos, then throws his blades at the enemy while leaping up to deal a powerful burst. (5x Hit + 10x Hit)

Storm Pike

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Fatal Drive The Vanquisher moves forwards while delivering two powerful slashes, first high, then low, then does a quick slicing dash. (2x Hit + 1x Hit + Knockdown) (Note: Despite the term Fatal, it does not literally mean it.)
LVL 2 Basic Furious Boomerang The Vanquisher throws his rapidly spinning weapon forward, then it returns, like a boomerang, still spinning as it comes back. Of course, boomerangs mean pulling the enemy towards one. (7x Hit)
LVL 3 Basic Xenocide Lancer Tosses three magical bolts forward, then jumps up and throws a flaming pike to the ground. (3x Hit + 10x Hit) (Note: The larger projectile thrown can bypass certain elevations unlike other skills such as Chaos Savior or Heaven's Guardian who are limited to a set range.)


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